How To Make Milk Flavor Steamed Buns?

Steamed buns we often eat have different kinds of flavors and making methods as well as people are fond of eat them in our daily life. Besides, mother will always steam many steamed buns in the home in every spring festival so that we can eat them happily. Are you interested in making them? Today I would like to keep you informed of the following making methods of milk flavor steamed buns as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare plain flour 1000g, pour appropriate yeast powder into a bowl with appropriate warm water and stir it as well as evenly mix them, later keep this bowl calm for 5 minutes.

Secondly, use sieve to sieve plain flour and add well made yeast water to plain flour after being sieved as well as pour a bag of milk into this mixture, then break an egg into them and use chopsticks to evenly stir mixed flour till cotton-shaped.

Thirdly, later, knead this cotton-shaped flour into dough and put it into a warm place to have a fermentation. After that, heavily knead well fermented dough on the chopping board for 10 minutes till smooth and no bubbles are inside dough. Next make this dough into the same small dough chunks and make them with normal appearance of steamed buns as well as calmly put them for a few minutes, then put them in a steamed tray of a pot and pour appropriate cold water into a pot as well as start to steam them for 20 minutes.

After that, you can eat delicious milk flavour steamed buns as much as you can, so why not have a try? I really hope that you can happily enjoy your eating time.

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