The Making Methods Of Autumn Moistening Lung Tea

As we all know that the climate in autumn is dry and the lungs will be easily distressed as well as people will easily get sick, so the diet in autumn should mainly have the characteristics of mmoistening dryness, nourishing yin, moistening lung. Today i would like to keep you informed of the making methods of autumn moistening lung tea as below. Continue reading »

The Making Methods Of Fried Pork Shreds With Celery

I think that many people are fond of eating this dish called ‘‘fried pork shreds with celery’’ and celery itself has a kind of clean aroma as well as people will have appetite when smelling the fragance of celery. Besides, rich protein is containted in the lean meat and is needed by the body, so do you want to make this dish by yourself?If yes, please follow me and let me tell you about the following detailed making methods of fried pork shreds with celery. Continue reading »