Three 1/32 Scale Buick Diecast Car Toys for Children as Gift

For Buick car owners, some people want to buy a 1/18 scale diecast model for their collection, home or office decoration, and some people only want to buy smaller scale diecast car toys for their children playing. In my opinion, 1/32 scale diecast car is the best toy for children with suitable size, lifelike design and funny functions.

In the following article, we will mainly introduce a few 1/32 Buick Diecast toys including Enclave, GL8 and Riviera.

Buick Enclave
Buick Enclave is a three-row crossover SUV produced by General Motors since 2007, and it is one of the most popular Buick cars in the U.S.. lots of parents buy Buick Enclave diecast toy for their kids, and there are two different brands, Shenghui and Caipo.

Looking at pictures below, it is the Buick Enclave car toy by Shenghui, and it is also the first diecast toy of Buick Enclave in the market. At the beginning, four different colors including black, white, red and golden are available, but now you can only find this car toy in black and white.

1/32 Buick Enclave Car Toy

1/32 Buick Enclave Car Toy

In addition to the common edition of Buick Enclave car toy by Shenghui, there are police edition, both Chinese Police and U.S. police edition are available, pictures are displayed below, and it is great car toy for children who has a dream of police.

U.S. Police Buick Enclave Toy

Chinese Police Buick Enclave Toy

Buick Enclave car toy by Caipo is another choice for you, three different colors including black, white and purple are available, and I am sure it is not easy to find Buick Enclave toy in Purple, please don’t miss it.

Buick Enclave Car Toy In Purple

Buick GL8
Buick GL8 is a minivan that is made by Shanghai GM, a joint-venture between Chinese automaker SAIC Motor and American automaker General Motors. Now it is common to find Buick GL8 diecast toys because it is released in recent days.

Buick GL8 diecast toy by Proswon Diecast is the first item in the market, and it is the replica work of older edition Buick GL8 MPV, three different colors including blue, golden and white are available.

Buick GL8 diecast toy

Buick GL8 diecast toy by JACKIEKIM is the replica work of newly released Buick GL8 Avenir MPV, and its quality is better than the Proswon toy, of course, its price is also higher. Meanwhile, Buick GL8 Avenir Diecas Toy with police painting is also manufactured by JACKIEKIM.

Buick GL8 Avenir Diecast Toy

Police Buick GL8 Avenir Diecast Toy

Buick Riviera
Buick Riviera is a personal luxury car that was marketed by Buick from 1963 to 1999. two 1/32 scale Buick Riviera diecast toys made by Double Horses and MZ Model can be found in the market, but now both them were already out of stock, and maybe you can find some item in the second-hand market.

Buick Riviera Diecast Toy

Buick Riviera Diecast Toy

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