The Global Christmas Toys Market Outlook

When entering the autumn, the time is becoming more closer and closer to the Christmas toys sales season. What about the Christmas toys market this year? Since China is a large country of exporting the world’s toys, many people are concerned about this problem. Today let me keep you informed of the global Christmas toys market outlook as much as i can.

‘‘ We know that this year is the best year of the toys market in the United States in recent ten years, which can be seen from the sales condition of the first half year’’. The vice president Juli Lennett of the NPD Group of the famous market investigation company thought so. According to the statistics of the NPD Group, the global toys market needs will expect to be up 6.2% from a year earlier or be increased 1 billion dollar in 2015.

Besides, the Chinese toys export datum can also confirm her point of view. From 1 to 6 months, our Chinese toys were exported to the United States for 3.293 billion dollar, which was up 7.83% from a year earlier. Actually, the Chinese foreign trade in 2015 was quite grim, but the total value of our Chinese foreign trade import and export was 13.63 trillion RMB in the first seven months, which was down 7.3% from a year earlier. In general, the toys export situation was quite ideal. From 1 to 6 months, the total value of our Chinese toys export was 9.748 billion dollar, which was up 10.85% from a year earlier. So we can see that the Chinese toys export is still ideal even though in a quite grim foreign trade situation and these experts believe this mainly profits from the recovery of the global toys market.

Furthermore, the America, Europe and Japan are the three largest main export markets of our Chinese toys. Since 2015, the toys consumption of the America, Europe and Japan is obviously increased. According to the issued information from the GFK of the world’s another famous market investigation company, the British consumer confidence index has reached a new high since 1990 in June this year. Moreover, we can also see the information from the toy news that the European toys consumption is growing this year and the total value of the Japanese toys market sales has reached 736.7 billion yen, which was up 9% from a year earlier in 2014 and was the highest growing record over the past ten years.

According to the situation of all above the world three big toy consumption markets, we can optimistically forecast that there will be a good market of the global Christmas toys this year.

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