Four Things You Can Do After Getting Up

Drink a cup of water
Drink a large glass of water immediately after waking up can replenish the loss of moisture at night. In the state of lacking water, all the body’s physiological activities can’t be conducted smoothly, resulting in severe fatigue. In fact, if the water tank capacity in body increases by 2%, the mental and physical strength will enhance a top level.

Take a sunbath
Sun has the effect of refreshing. Psychological experts say that sunlight can regulate the biological clock and inhibit the secretion of melatonin, which will promote sleep and make people drowsy. At the same time, sunlight will increase the content of blood serum in brain which make people feel more comfortable. After waking up, you can read morning newspaper near the window for a few minutes.

Massage cheek slightly
Massage cheek slightly can promote blood circulation and increase the degree of sober for mind. You can try the following method: Massaging slowly from the forehead to the chin, use hands to pat slightly or use fingertip to beat. You can change positions, speed and frequency until massaging the whole face.

Taking sexual life
Physical exercise is the best way to get rid of fatigue and sexual life can increase testosterone, dopamine and oxytocin, which makes you more clear-headed. Experts say that taking sexual life in the morning is more conducive to work.