Six simple movements to solve the dizziness

Hectic pace of life .It is often the feeling of dizziness brain up, which is mainly caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain. Solve the dizziness. The following simple exercise is very effective!

Shrug movement up and down
Standing two feet apart, about the shoulder, put on the shoulders as far as possible, pause a moment, a sudden drop shoulder. Do 8 times.

Behind the lifter arm movement
Arms crossed and straight in the post, then forced on the move, keep two or three seconds later, the arms drop suddenly, as if to hit the waist (and they can be hit). Do 2 to 3 times.

Cross-arm protrusive movement
Elbow, fingers across your chest, hands rapidly reach, while fast forward bow, so that his head caught in the straight between the two forearm. Do 5 to 10 times.

Cross-arm shoulder turning movement
Fingers across your chest, palm down, try to turn around the shoulder. Head must be followed to turn back to keep the start position, rotation rate equal to or greater than 90 degrees. Around the turn, do 5 to 10 times.

Shoulder movement before and after
Bending backward as far as possible before the shoulders, shaped like to get together, like the two blades. Then forced to bend forward shoulders as the shoulders will be closed in the chest like, and make two hands back together, 5 to 10 times.

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