How To Make Sauced Beef?

Some people are fond of eating beef in daily life because beef has multiple kinds of functions of nourishing the spleen and stomach, quenching thirsty and so on. So are you familiar with various kinds of eating methods of beef?If not, please follow me and let me keep you informed of the following methods of making sauced beef as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare leg beef 500g, appropriate wild pepper, various spices, appropriate rock candies, light soy sauce, salt, dark soy sauce.

Secondly, wash leg beef till clean and soak it in appropriate washing water of rice for half an hour as well as put it into a pot with appropriate cold water, turn on the fire and boil them till boiled, 2 minutes later, get it out of this pot and use warm water to swash beef till clean as well as put it into a bowl for preparation. Next put all the spices into this pot and pour water 1,700g into it as well as turn on the big fire, put clean leg beef into it and add appropriate rock candies, light soy sauce, salt, a little dark soy sauce to it as well as change into the small fire, then continue to boil them for half an hour. After that, turn off the fire and braise for half an hour as well as turn on the small fire and boil for half an hour.

Thirdly, put cooled led beef into a pan and filter out sauce juice as well as pickle for a whole night. Later, cut into slices and put them into a plate, so the whole processes are finished making and you can eat this dish as happily as you can.

All in all, I sincerely hope that all above making methods of sauced beef will be helpful and useful to all of you, many thanks!

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