Great and Special Efficacies of Milk

To decompress
Currently, it is a trend for office workers to drink milk. It applied with bread for breakfast or just drank at tea time. The reason why they prefer milk is not only because the nutrition it contains, but also it is a good way to decompress themselves.

To beautify the skin
Wash your face with milk, and then put the milk-soaked cotton pad to the face, it has the effect of reducing wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity. Apply 1-2 times a week, the skin will get more glossy.

To eliminate eye edema
Milk also has the function of tightening the skin. A good way to eliminate eye edema is: soak two pieces cotton pad into a cup of cold milk, and then deposit in the swelling of the eyelids for about 10 minutes, then clean it with water.

To cure insomnia with milk-bath
Milk-drinking can lead to a sound sleep, while a milk-bath is also good for sleeping and curing insomnia. The milk-bath enables both body and mind relaxed. Since milk fragrance can stabilize the autonomic nervous system, thus it facilitates a well sleep. Apart from the above function, milk-bath also takes role of improving the symptom of polyhidrosis.

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