Do Not Forget To Disinfect Plush Toys

Plush toys are loved by children, but the plush toy is contaminated with bacteria and viruses. Since plush toys are textile toys directly contacted with the skin of children and plush surface is easy to hide dirt, bacteria and formaldehyde which can cause harmful health problems in children’s play and allergies. Experts suggest that parents giving their children to choose plush toys should firstly consider the safety factor when buying in a regular mall and refuse to buy the unqualified products.

children often intimately contact with the plush toys and are very susceptible to invasion of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, so plush toys must often be cleaned and disinfected.

Cleaning and disinfection of plush toys have some difficulty, but the effect is generally less than ideal. Now introduce a method of cleaning and disinfection of plush toys, it can both simple and effective and satisfactory.

The salt and plush toys together are put into a plastic bag which is put the right amount of water and fasten the mouth, then forced to uniform shaking, the salt adsorb the dust to achieve the purpose of cleaning plush toys, the salt has a strong sterilization effect, not only to clean toys, but also to effectively kill bacteria and viruses.

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