Choosing Toys for Baby from 3 to 6 Months Old

After three months, the children would find the magical functions of hands. They would not only just clench their fists but they now know to suck finger and clench the toys with hands, even they begin to try to grab the toys in front of them. After six months old, the babies would learn to sit and become curious on everything around them. At this time, the toys with fun and colors would be the best choice for them. Here let us find the most suitable toys for the baby from 3 to 6 months old.

The magic toys shelf
The toys shelf can be suitable for the babies who are still need to lie. You can choose a shelf that hanging with many toys or you can DIY a toys shelf for your baby. The baby can move back and forth the toys and make sounds, which would make them be very happy and even smile loudly. However, after five months old, they would lose interest on those toys, because they now itch to try to stand up.

Musical toys
Baby likes the toys that can make sounds. You can give them a small bell and let them recreate by themselves. You also can play the music with strong rhythm sensation, which can make your baby move with the rhythm of the music. The baby at this age likes music very much and feels the music in their way. With musical toys, your baby would be the musician in the future.

Toys on the bar counter in front of them
In the front of the baby carriage, there is often a bar counter. Some baby carriages may be designed to have some fixed toys on the bar counter. If there are no toys, you can put and fix some toys on the bar counter. You baby can interactive intimately with the toys and can kill the time when getting outside.

During this period, your baby tries to understand the world and is interested in everything that he can get. Therefore, some toys just as listed above are very useful for the children to know this world. In addition, the toys in this time should not be too complex. The simple and safe toys are enough for the children from 3 to 6 months old.

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